The Birds and the Bees… of Social Media

If you read this blog, and you are a member of Circle of Moms, please vote for me!  I meant to write a post about it earlier, but instead I put up the link and promptly forgot about it.  Now the contest is closing shortly…  The link is HERE.  Please vote, but only if you actually enjoy the blog.  Thanks.

Last month, after seeing the difference a little new traffic can make, I decided to socialize the blog and am trying to do better at the whole self-promotion thing.  (I must be getting older as the urge to self-sabotage does seem to be lessening with age…)  That means, you can now find me on Twitter and Facebook as well as a few other places.  Circle of Moms, YKIHATYT’s blog hop, and The Big Blog Collection.  Oh, and there was another reason I joined Twitter, but that’s for another post.  (I have to get permission from him first in order to share that story.)

Also, my facebook page is the saddest thing ever…  So, if you find yourself with extra time (and are a fan) please go and like the page.

Other than that, I know I haven’t been around as much.  Sorry, but school and house-shopping are currently kicking my ass.  We’re in contract for our house, but haven’t found a new one yet.  Once that happens, things will die down a little bit.  Hopefully.

Lastly… zombies!  If you want zombie bling, it’s yours.  You don’t have to link back to me, and I’m not going to sue you.  Just go to the sidebar, save either bling to your images, and consider it yours.  I love seeing my stupid zombie bling on other blogs!

Random Questions of the Day:

How many blogs do you watch?  Also, do you socialize your blog?  Why or why not?

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42 Responses to The Birds and the Bees… of Social Media

  1. dear L&L,
    I do…..just on fB though. And I tossed around the idea of taking my page down, because ….you wanna talk about SAD??? Mine went tearing past sad to fetal position curled up in the corner.
    BUT…I found out…that although my posts don’t get too many LIKES…it reminds people to go look.
    Evidently they LOOK…and then get lost in the wonderfullness of my blog…never to return…to press LIKE. (Isn’t my fairytale life fabulous?) 🙂
    I loved your comment..about old age, and the lessening of sabotage. Hahhaa!!!! True dat!
    I don’t know about the circle of moms thing. I may need to check it out!
    Love, L

    • Your fairytale life is fabulous! Yeah, the facebook page is… slow. And a little bit sad. Yeah, I’ve been on Circle of Moms for about five years, and the whole time I had no idea they had blogs….

  2. Mooselicker says:

    Don’t worry about your Facebook page looking pathetic. I talked with another blogger and we agreed I could get up to 20 Likes. The worst is the first day you always get 90% of all you would ever get.

    It’s tough with WordPress in that you’re competing against other people with the some hopes, desires, prayers, and wishes to become a millionaire blogger. I think the best way to promote a blog is to promote other blogs and hope they do the same. Pay it Forward I guess? Make as many good blogging friends and maybe one day one of us will become a success and let the other ride.

    • Ha! Now, I’m going to find your facebook page, and hit the like button over and over again.

      I do want to become a millionaire blogger, mostly so that I can be rescued from evil nursing school. Not really, but if I hit the jackpot I will tell everyone all about you. No guarantees on what I’ll say of course, since I do have a tendency to hit the wine bottle in the evenings….

  3. Stacie Chadwick says:

    12 and yes on FB and twitter, but neither particularly well =|

  4. I’m not even totally sure how to socialize my blog right. I post it to my regular facebook page, but I haven’t made a facebook page for Alice. Not sure how you go about it exactly. It’s probably too simple. I haven’t heard of Circle of Moms. Can you get it even if you feed your kids nitrates on a regular basis?

    I watch a lot. I’m not sure how many I follow. I scroll through the Reader when I’m bored and don’t want to work, which is a lot of the time. And your zombie bling is totally awesome. I need to learn how to make bling. Maybe a creepy Cheshire cat or something.

    And I can’t resist any contest. I’ll see if I can figure out how to vote for you because yes I really like your blog. You also must check your horoscope on Friday because there are a few bloggers who might find their their futures interesting. That’s all I’m saying.

    • You can, but then you’re relegated to the outer circle.

      To be honest, I had a heck of a time making the page. So, now I’m like, everyone better go and vote for it dammit! A creepy Cheshire cat would be awesome. We have a lot of stray cats in our neighborhood. Maybe I can get a picture of one, and then make it creepy through special effect…

  5. Pingback: Last Minute Plea to All Patriots « aliceatwonderland

  6. Right now, I have around 15 blogs that I read voraciously…those that I keep really close because I enjoy it really!

    Publicize? Semi publicize, I guess. I’m not an FB user so that’s a major unpublicize I guess. =>

    • I probably watch sixty, but watch some more closely than others. Also, my reader doesn’t always work so a lot of times I’m typing in a blog name that hasn’t come up in my reader in awhile…

  7. …will go check out the circle of moms link now, thanks!

  8. Le Clown says:

    Le Clown loves a bit of self-promotion… On my way to your Facebook page!
    Le Clown

  9. I didn’t expect it to be so har, you know, keeping up with all blogs. If you don’t read daily, you’re too afr behing to ever catch up again. I follow about ten blogs now, and that’s enough for me and my busy life :).

  10. Andrew says:

    I just tried to vote and it wouldn’t let me. I’m an idiot…

  11. I am horrible at self-promotion, I used to post my photos on FB but I always felt dirty afterwards. I guess it’s the Virgo in me.

  12. Carrie Rubin says:

    I guess the fact that I don’t know what “socializing” one’s blog means is evidence that I don’t do it. So much I don’t know; so little time to learn… 🙂

    • Ha! It’s pretty much any form of linking, twittering, joining, or facebooking… For those folks who have millions of “facebook friends”, it’s also an immediate blog audience… (I have never had more than 38 friends, but I know all of their birthdays and middle names, which is pretty unusual in facebook land.)

  13. I wouldn’t socialize my blog. It’s kind of a tiny little private verse of mine and I wouldn’t want people who don’t know what that means to someone (i.e. non bloggers) come into that world.

    • I used to feel that way. And then I realized I’m actually proud of my little blog, and don’t mind sharing it with those who are interested. I have yet to give my mom or most of the people I know the address, but I wouldn’t be embarrassed if anyone stumbled across it.

  14. The Waiting says:

    I read way too many blogs to count. And I comment. Oh I comment. When it comes down to it, I think this does more good for socializing my blog than FB and Twitter, and this is mostly because I blog for other bloggers more than I do my friends and family. I LOVE Twitter because it’s fun and it is a good exercise in being succinct. Not as big a fan of Facebook; it’s just not much fun for me anymore.

    • I post the requisite pictures on facebook for my mom and out-of-state relatives, but other than that, I’m not huge on facebook. I think a lot of people think blogging is like expanded facebook, but I find blogging quite different.

      I’m just getting started on Twitter. So right now I’m not sure, but I’m going to try to think of it as an exercise in being succinct because that’s a great way of looking at it!

  15. I read many blogs, but rather sporadically. And yes, I social mediatize (word?) the heck out of my blogs. I’ve been going through a bit of a snit lately. I DO make (some) money blogging and make no apologies for my paltry income. But some advertiser the other day wanted to “give” me a guest post and balked when I shared my rates. Then when I suggested if he only wanted to enlighten, I’d be happy to use his post, but without any links to his insurance business page.

    I will say that I have blogged for free and for pay in numerous arenas. I have had my personal blog over 4 years now. At first I just moved greatest hits from my “underground/anonymous” blog, then I started to cross promote, and now it’s just when I have something I want to share that I don’t mind sharing with the world. My green blog is a bit more focused, and I’m using that link today with my comment because I have a really informative and fun series this week… the Gross Out Green week.

    • You know. In the olden days, no one was published anywhere without the exchange of cash… Now, it’s different, but only because we can choose to publish our own stuff. On, I don’t think you can advertise unless it’s done through their official “word ads”. On I think you can, but the subscription works differently.

      I’ve been meaning to ask someone else a bit more about that… As long as it’s your own writing a little carefully done cross-promotion is fine. (Most of my writing is new, but from time to time I’ll go to older stuff too.) Your post on cancer Barbie was priceless, actually.

  16. I took down my Facebook page, too much work, not enough reward. I think links through other’s blogs brings me the most traffic. That and I hand out flyers on the corner.

I write for free... so... please leave comments...