About Me

This blog is just something for me to do while I await my very large lottery win.  After that, I will be too busy traveling the world so I will only post pictures.  Aside from being a future lottery winner, I’m really not all that important.  I’m a mother of three, and I enjoy dabbling in the arts.  For the most part, I’m figuring out life as I go.  My special skills include eating, cooking, and procrastinating.  If only they gave out awards for the latter…

Basically, I’m here to read, write, and socialize.  Although there’s some reciprocity to blogging, I’m not interested in running a popularity contest, and I only “like” and/or follow blogs that I find interesting.

Alright, that’s enough about me.  Now tell me about you.  Please?  See how nicely I asked?  Now, you’ll feel bad if you don’t leave a comment…

Sidenote: Although I don’t consider my blog anonymous, I have seen “Cape Fear”.  For that reason, I generally withhold my name and address.  If you wish to send me expensive jewelry or large checks, exceptions can be made.  Just e-mail me at loveandlunchmeat@gmail.com.

48 Responses to About Me

  1. James says:

    Beauty and brains, eh?

    There are so few of us left.

  2. Andrew says:

    But I thought eating was my thing….Fine. I guess you can have it.

  3. Dear Love and Lunchmeat,

    Thanks so much for all of your likes. It made my day to have so many happy, shiny thumbs ups in my in box, especially for my first blog, the one I wrote while flying on NyQuil which started the whole blog in the first place. I’m looking forward to seeing what you, my fellow mother of three, is up to.


    • Anytime Stacie. 🙂 I actually really enjoyed your Nyquil blog, especially when you woke up and found food and drink next to you! And I always enjoy seeing beyond the front page of someone’s blog. It’s often the things people write when no one is watching that are the most interesting.

  4. Good luck with the lottery 🙂 I know how to predict two numbers. If you can find a way to predict the others every week, I’ll split the winnings with you 😀

    • Oh, I was planning on winning on good Karma alone… If you have hard numbers or an actual plan, that would be awesome! (And twenty million split between you, me, and the government is still an awful lot of moolah.)

      • Welll… as you may or may not know from reading my blog, I’m English… so I’ll buy the ticket in England when i go home in September… you don’t have to pay the government any taxes on lottery winnings there 😀

        (but you don’t get $200 million jackpots either…)

        • Oh, you did mention England, but I thought you lived here. I am generally confused; I left that part out of my bio… Okay, you can buy the ticket in England. The government takes half your winnings here. That’s why we’re all so greedy, and mostly participate in the really big jackpots! (My hubby and my mother-in-law are ALWAYS buying tickets.) We are still waiting though…

  5. frogmartian says:

    Your blog is hilarious! I love it. And I can’t believe you delivered a baby on a hospital FLOOR.

  6. gbreed2009 says:

    A mother of five kids. They are all grown now and sometimes I feel lonely for those days when they were little. I have 3 beautiful grandkids but they live too far away from me to see on a regular basis.
    I love to scrap book and I have a site over at http://www.daisytrail.com where I do digital scrapbooking. My user name is scrappgirl1011 and my email is scrappingdiva1959@yahoo.com and your welcome to come and take a look. It is a lot of fun and a lot of nice people.
    I am nice… I always try to be polite to everyone, even on the net. That does not mean that I don’t sometimes rant at my own site because I have been known to do that but personally if I can’t think of something nice to say then I just don’t comment.
    I have been thru a very difficult 2 years and I have been more than a little boring, but hopefully I can get back to being my fun loving self.
    I read, garden, and cook. Those are my other passions. I really want to learn how to quilt and I am testing the waters a little bit in that area.
    I guess this is enough about me for now…. Aren’t you glad that you asked to tell you about me….Ha!
    Sincerly I do think that I am going to like your blog!

    • Hi Scrappgirl and welcome! I just checked out your site, and it is gorgeous! That said, I know absolutely nothing about scrapbooking. I haven’t even finished my own daughter’s baby book. (I guess it stinks to be the youngest of three kids…)

      I’m sorry to hear you’ve had a difficult couple of years, and hope things start looking up for you. Thanks for the compliments, and I hope you continue to enjoy the blog.

  7. I especially liked you blog on your son who is quite the challenge. I just recently celebrated my child who has similar challenges but different graduating high school. I thought we’d never make it sometimes. While I did not have to deal with fecal smearing, she was a runner. I’m still waiting for the professional community to acknowledge that she is high functioning autistic since as you said it, she does not necessarily fit into the DSM criteria, but she does. I can say she has more fun in the shower than most people I’ve ever met.

    I hope the best for you and your family. Your sense of humor is great.

    • It is tricky because not all special needs initially “appear” as special needs. It’s definitely part of what makes neurological problems so challenging. Thanks so much for your comment, and I wish you and your family the best of luck too.

  8. Peaches says:

    You’ve been nominated for an award on my blog! (For real, I’m not spam)

  9. Ray Colon says:

    Unfortunately, the “when did I get old” moments that I experience are not rare. With one daughter in grade school and the other in college there are many reminders. All of my cultural references are dated, the Oscars mean nothing to me (because I’ll be watching this year’s blockbusters next year), and forget about having a conversation about music.

    Re the Phone booths, I recently read that the ones that are still left in NYC are being converted into WiFi hotspots.

    • I’m having the same issue with the last few years of Oscar nominations. I’m still sorta on top of music, but every time I think about a great song that just came out… Yeah, I then think about it and realize it just came out ten years ago. Oops.

  10. Julie DeNeen says:

    Hi!! I was captivated by your mom/writing description. Me too! Just wanted to say I like your blog 🙂 and will be following.

  11. brandyeli says:


    I have nominated you for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award.


    Best, B Elizabeth NS

  12. I just read the tagline for your blog and have decided we’re the same person which is great for you because I’m simply breathtaking. 🙂

    • Love and Lunchmeat says:

      It’s creative math… because everything should be creative! And that is excellent news… for me. For you, I’m not so sure…

  13. mikeakin1 says:

    Welcome to the blog world where we feed off each others manusha 🙂

  14. Hi! I nominated you and your blog for the “Inspirational Blogger” Award… you can find the details about the award here: http://echosonomatopoeia.wordpress.com/2012/11/02/the-inspirational-blogger-award/


    • Thank you so much Miranda! Unfortunately, I am horribly behind on stuff I am supposed to have written, but I promise I will write a proper post thanking you for this award in the next few weeks.

  15. Pingback: Gender Bending « Sips of Jen and Tonic

  16. Pingback: Hunky Hugo Unfortunately Answers Your Questions | Speaker7

  17. love your About–you sound interesting to me

  18. Lance says:

    nice to meet you

  19. Hi! I’ve nominated you for the very inspiring blog award ~ it will be published Sat 1/5/2013.

  20. El Guapo says:

    Hope you and your family are having a great new year, L&L!
    i saw this and couldn’t help but think of you – zombie stuff!

  21. Judy Smith says:

    I discovered you via the Cheeky Diva and I’m in love with the way you write — I’ve followed you so I won’t miss anything … or not much anyway. You can find me here if you want to know what I’m “About.” http://playingfortimeblog.com/about/

  22. El Guapo says:

    Long time no hear (twitter aside)..
    Hope all is well in the land of lunchmeat…

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